
IOM and DOLAB strengthening the dissemination of the Law on Contract-Based Vietnamese Overseas Workers for Service Enterprises and Employment Service Centers, Promoting Safe Migration

Hanoi, November 15, 2023 – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Department of Overseas Labour (DOLAB) have successfully concluded a series of conferences to disseminate information about the Law on Contract-Based Vietnamese Overseas Workers (referred to as Law 69) and related legal documents for the leaders of service enterprises and Employment Service Centers.

The conference series attracted active participation from 114 leaders of service enterprises from the northern provinces of Viet Nam and 70 leaders from Employment Service Centers in the northern, central, and central highlands regions. The conferences for business leaders provided an opportunity for delegates to clarify, exchange opinions, and share experiences regarding the implementation of Law 69, effective since January 2022, and the accompanying legal documents. Business representatives directly learned about amendments, additional regulations regarding service enterprises sending Vietnamese workers abroad under contracts, conditions for obtaining service operation licenses, as well as regulations on fees permitted to be collected from overseas Vietnamese workers. Conferences for Employment Service Centers clarified the conditions, rights, and obligations of the units involved in sending Vietnamese workers abroad under contracts. Delegates also received explanations from DOLAB leaders and experts and listened to IOM representatives sharing global trends in fair and responsible recruitment.

Ông Nguyễn Gia Liêm, Phó Cục trưởng DOLAB, chia sẻ Những nội dung trong luật về người lao động Việt Nam đi làm việc ở nước ngoài theo hợp đồng. Ảnh @ IOM Việt Nam

Speaking at the conferences in Hanoi and Da Nang, Mr. Nguyen Gia Liem, Deputy Director of DOLAB, emphasized the importance of disseminating the law to businesses and Employment Service Centers. "Law 69 and the accompanying legal documents have new points compared to the previous Law 72, aiming to better protect the legal rights and well-being of workers while creating favorable conditions for workers, businesses, organizations, and individuals involved in sending Vietnamese workers abroad under contracts. Businesses and Employment Service Centers play a crucial role in providing information, advising workers to understand and fully consider suitable job options, legitimate recruitment channels, and supporting returning workers to reintegrate into the community."

Bà Nguyễn Thu Hương, Cán bộ chương trình IOM Việt Nam, chia sẻ về chủ đề lao động di cư và tuyển dụng công bằng và có trách nhiệm. Ảnh: @IOM Việt Nam

Ms. Park Mihyung, IOM Viet Nam’s Chief of Mission, praised the achievements of the conferences. "Overseas Vietnamese workers under labour contracts face many risks of exploitation during recruitment, work, and difficulties in reintegrating upon returning to Viet Nam. Law 69 plays a key role in protecting contract-based Vietnamese overseas workers, promising to provide them with a stable, fair, and safe working environment."

"IOM is proud to accompany DOLAB in strengthening the dissemination of Law 69 to all stakeholders, including businesses, relevant authorities, organizations, and individuals related to ensuring the rights and welfare of Vietnamese workers, aiming to ensure the rights and benefits of Vietnamese workers and promoting safe and regular migration in Viet Nam and the region," Ms. Park Mihyung added.

Đại diện lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp các tỉnh phía Bắc Việt Nam tham gia Hội nghị phổ biến pháp luật về người lao động Việt Nam đi làm việc ở nước ngoài theo hợp đồng được phối hợp tổ chức bởi DOLAB và IOM. Ảnh: @IOM Việt NamĐại diện lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp các tỉnh phía Bắc Việt Nam tham gia Hội nghị phổ biến pháp luật về người lao động Việt Nam đi làm việc ở nước ngoài theo hợp đồng được phối hợp tổ chức bởi DOLAB và IOM. Ảnh: @IOM Việt Nam

Law 69, effective from January 1, 2022, aims for compatibility between the law on contract-based Vietnamese overseas workers and international conventions that Viet Nam participates in. This law also aims to reform administrative procedures, eliminate, amend outdated regulations, and add specific, clear regulations to create favorable conditions for workers, businesses, organizations, and individuals involved in sending overseas Vietnamese workers under labour contracts, effectively protecting the legal rights and interests of workers.

Learn more about Law 69/2020/QH14, at here.

Additional information for the press:

The conference for service enterprises was held in Hai Phong (October 25, 2023) and Hanoi (November 14, 2023). The conference for Employment Service Centers was organized in Hai Phong (October 26, 2023) and Da Nang (November 3, 2023).

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