Addressing Internal and Labour Trafficking in Vietnam (AILTIV)

Duration: September 2010-September 2012

Location: Throughout Vietnam

Partners: Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Women’s Union

The Vietnamese government has made considerable progress during the implementation of its National Plan of Action on trafficking by increasing awareness of trafficking within government and the public, and increased prosecution and support for trafficked persons, particularly women. These national efforts on trafficking have not, however, recognized emerging forms of trafficking, such as labor trafficking and internal trafficking, both which stem from an increasing trend of people leaving their homes in rural communities in search of employment and greater income.

This project aims to support government ministries and the Women’s Union to encourage recognition of internal and labor trafficking and advocate for their inclusion in government policy.

The objectives to be achieved in the project are:

To enhance policy and legislation to prevent internal and labor trafficking, provide appropriate protection, and promote safe migration
To demonstrate effective practices and policy to build capacity for program implementation