Comprehensive Return and Reintegration through Partnerships and Collaboration

Duration: 3 years

Location: Throughout Viet Nam

Viet Nam has recognized trafficking as a significant social concern and has developed a National Plan of Action (NPA), as well as a government decision mandating responsibility for return and reintegration. The Government has also recognized the importance of incorporating successful models, and learning from the experience of other organizations. IOM therefore intends to draw upon its experience in Viet Nam, as well as the experience of other organizations, to assist the Government in implementing a comprehensive return and reintegration mechanism. This requires strong central government support and involvement to maintain national coverage and sustainability. The return and reintegration mechanism will build on the reintegration network, the development of systems in the assessment centres, the provision of psychosocial support through counseling, IOM’s experience with self-help groups, and the training modules developed by IOM and the Population, Refugees, and Migration Bureau of the U.S. Department of State (PRM).

The objectives of this project are to:

  • increase understanding in Viet Nam of effective return and reintegration of trafficked women in the region and analyze gaps in current approaches;
  • establish and demonstrate an effective, confidential, and non-judgmental mechanism to identify and support trafficked women;
  • work together with other organizations involved in reintegration to provide relevant and appropriate services through risk assessments and provide life-skills training, health care, and psychosocial counseling and mental-health treatment;
  • develop evidence of effective programming through the partnership and support of demonstration sites.