Mobility and HIV Policy Review Self-Audit

Timeframe: July 2005 – June 2008

Location: Ha Noi

National governments, international organizations, local NGOs, and financial institutions have increasingly reported escalating HIV vulnerability in locations and situations that attract and accommodate migrant and mobile populations. It is essential to understand the laws and policies that affect these communities, and the implementation and enforcement of these laws and policies.

The National Policy Self-Audit is a tool for governments in Southeast Asia and the Southern Provinces of China to measure their compliance with international, regional, intergovernmental, and local agreements relating to migrants, mobile populations and HIV and AIDS. IOM, in partnership with Canada South East Asia Regional HIV/AIDS Program (CSEARHAP), prepared, published and disseminated the Viet Nam National Policy Self-Audit on Mobility and HIV Vulnerability Reduction 2005 report.

Since 2005, the audit tool was revised and updated following feedback from national and regional stakeholders. IOM, with technical support from the UN Regional Task Force on Mobility and HIV Vulnerability Reduction (UNRTF), used the updated tool to conduct the Viet Nam National Policy Self-Audit 2008, to identify progress made since 2005 in four broad policy areas: international and regional agreements; national coordination and planning; prevention, treatment, care and support; and vulnerability reduction. The 2008 report also contains a summary of recommendations made by the respondents during interviews.