Within its Migration Health Division (MHD), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in its role of United Nations Migration Agency, delivers and promotes comprehensive, preventive and curative health programmes which are beneficial, accessible, and equitable for migrants and mobile populations. Bridging the needs of both migrants and IOM member states, MHD, in close collaboration with partners, contributes towards the physical, mental and social well-being of migrants, enabling them and host communities to achieve social and economic development.

In Viet Nam, migration health assessments are among the most well-established migration management services offered by IOM. Migration health assessments contribute to early detection and treatment of conditions of individual and public health concern, safer travel and the prevention of negative health events during travel or on arrival at host communities. They also serve to protect the health of both migrants and host communities and reduce the expected demand for domestic health and social services.

IOM Vietnam health assessment program started in 1987. and has grown tremendously since its inception. In 2020 IOM Vietnam health assessment program provided assistance to over 19 000 migrants, evaluating their physical and mental health status prior to their departure to US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK and Malaysia, for the purpose of resettlement, international employment, enrolment in specific migrant assistance programs, or for obtaining a temporary or permanent visa.

Current Projects
Completed Projects